
Artist statement  

I’m a senior emerging outlier artist. I was primarily a landscape artist until the pandemic broke me and I began to paint everything. The theme of layers and things unseen ties my work together regardless of the subject. I layer colours and let the viewer’s eye do some mixing and choosing. I plant information throughout the layers of colour and leave it to each person to filter and make their unique connection.



I’m a bit of an odd duck as an emerging artist. I had a full career in another field and for years kept my creative work on the side. As a full-time artist since 2013, I’ve found myself often not qualifying as emerging because of my age. I continue to emerge anyway on my own timeline. My education has been as-needed on this path and my public showings have been a mix of public spaces, commercial galleries and art fairs.
Early in my professional career an accomplished artist accused me of being “deep in a Group of Seven phase” and urged me to stop. I recognized that he was correct but also that it was something necessary for me. I needed to experience it as I worked through. I naturally came out the other end, dropping the trees and lakes but hanging on to the desire to look closely at my surroundings and find a way to bring what I see to others. I work at identifying underlying forces and foundational influences in the landscape. I’ve brought my previous experience as a woman in the finance world into my art as an underlying theme of feminism and nature.
I’ve recently turned these methods and themes to painting people and flowers. I use underlying themes painted in layers and feminist foundations to build the story in each piece.
It’s not possible to stop emerging in my work or in my place in the art world. Each painting is a new opportunity to emerge.

I’m a member of The Artists’ Network, CARFAC and is co-founder of Four Corners Studio collective.